The FTC recently "updated" its website. Now the Compliance Guy can't find anything on it! But I searched for this gem, and after 15 minutes, I located it.
This webpage contains a list of FTC legal opinion letters that interpret the Fair Credit Reporting Act. The letters are organized by the section of the FCRA that they address. Good stuff, people. Good stuff.
I've added two new tools to this blog. First, you can request a compliance blog email update! On the left, you'll see a link titled "Subscribe to NAFCU Compliance Blog by Email." Click on that link, and follow its directions. When I post something, you'll get it emailed to you. Assuming your spam filter likes me.
Also, you now have the ability to email a particular post to anyone you like. Or don't like. I thought that you may have coworkers who could benefit from a particular post. Just click on the "email this" link at the bottom of any post, and...follow the directions.