Earlier, I mentioned how much I love guidance that comes in the form of "frequently asked questions." And while that phrase might seem pathetic to the general public, I think my fellow compliance gurus understand where I'm coming from. Here are some of my favorites.
- General HMDA FAQ.
- NCUA's FAQ on the NCUA Privacy Regulation.
- NCUA's FAQ to Boardmember Hyland's webinar on third party due diligence and strategic planning.
- General BSA FAQ. (Supplied by FinCEN.)
- General BSA/Money Laundering/OFAC FAQ. (Attachment to 05-CU-09)
- FAQ concerning final "Customer Identification Program" rule. (Attachment to Regulatory Alert 04-RA-04.)
- FAQ for the Children Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA.) (It is one of the four attachments to 01-RA-07. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find the FAQ as a stand-alone document.)
- FFIEC FAQ on "Authentication in the Internet Banking Environment."
- FAQ on Appraisal Requirements and Interagency Statement on Appraisal Independence and Evaluation Functions. (Please remember that there is a proposal out to amend these. I think I mentioned it earlier this week.)
Have I missed one? Please let me know. Shoot me an email at [email protected]. Or leave a comment by clicking on the title to this post. (Then look for the comment link.)
While I'm at it, here are a few other questions that I have. If anyone can find the answer to these, I'll happily buy you lunch. (And they have to be real, concrete answers.)
- Why is my line at the grocery store or concession stand always staffed by a trainee?
- Why does the likelihood of receiving a tough assignment increase as I get closer to a planned vacation?
- Why do the employees at my local Subway not recognize me? I literally eat there two or three times a week. I'm not asking for a handshake, or a "Hello there, old friend." But a nod of recognition would be nice.
This was a funny response I received and just wanted to share.
#1 The workforce is getting younger. The youth available for hiring have shorter attention spans and perhaps less personal discipline. Therefore, they give up on their menial jobs as soon as they become disenchanted and presto-chango you get a trainee every time you try to buy a pair of socks. The universe does not like compliance officers and this is our sad karma.
#2. The universe does not like compliance officers.
See #1.
#3Employees at Subway are not personally invested in the endless stream of gaping maws that come to eat lunch. It is like going to a bank for financial services. Oh, and the universe does not like compliance officers.
Posted by: The Compliance Guy | March 27, 2008 at 03:42 PM