Here are a few other nuggets from San Francisco.
- NCUA is aiming for September to release its final rule concerning corporate credit unions.
- Look for NCUA rules concerning eligible obligations and loan participations.
- NCUA is working with the SEC to update NCUA Letter to Credit Unions No. 150. That guidance addresses the sale of mutual funds, annuities and other non-deposit investments.
All in all, it was a great conference. There are a good number of attorneys throughout the nation that devote their practice to credit union issues, and it is a great learning opportunity when many of them gather under one roof.
Earlier, I wrote about Dodd-Frank's tweaking" of Regulation CC. The Act increases the $100 "next day" availability amount to $200. I incorrectly stated that the effective date of the change was unknown. About a week ago, a reader left a comment on the blog noting that the change becomes effective once the CFPB is established. Kudos to James for pointing that out. I had plans to update that, see how that went. CUNA noted the correct effective date yesterday, so I figured it was about time to correct things here.