Posted by Anthony Demangone
I'll cover a ton of ground in this one, as my e-mail inbox is overflowing at the moment. I've include links to a number of interesting articles and blog postings today. Well, hopefully you'll find them to be interesting...
ADA and ATMs. The National Federation of the Blind has sued United Airlines , claiming their electronic kiosks violate two California laws, one of which protects disabled California citizens. If someone at your credit union does not understand the importance of coming into compliance with the new ADA expectations, just show them the press release from the NFB.
Reg D adjustments. The Fed has announced its annual adjustment for reserve calculations and deposit reporting for Regulation D.
Reg E. The Fed has issued Consumer Affairs Letter CA 10-12, which announces revised inter-agency exam procedures for Regulation E. It is a fantastic resource for Regulation E issues.
Board minutes. Here's a great article that discusses numerous issues regarding board minutes. (The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel, written by Christopher S. Connell of Stradley, Ronon, Stevens & Young, LLP) Who should take the notes? What should the minutes contain? Can and should individual directors take notes? Pass this along to your board parliamentarian.
NCUA. NCUA has released its board meeting schedule for 2011. It may be worthwhile to place these dates on your calendar, as these are the dates when new rules and proposals would be issued from NCUA. Those rules have a tendency to throw a wrench into the works of an otherwise normal compliance officer workday.
Social media. Are attorneys and compliance officers "social media killers?" Here's a nice discussion of the issue. (Bank Lawyer's Blog.)
Compliance. Here's a nice discussion on the role of compliance within a corporate entity. (The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel, Hubert Klein, Lily Bradow.)
ATM's located in a commercial facility, even though owned by the credit union, may be exempt from compliance with ADA Title III Section 36.303 (Auxiliary Aids and Services). Considering the cost of a new ATM is around $12,000.00 this is worth looking into.
Posted by: Robert H. Schwalb, Esq., NCCO | October 26, 2011 at 12:48 PM