Written by Sarah Zimmermann
I hope everyone is having a good week. I'm back in the office after a great week in Orlando and still trying to find my way to the top of my email box. Below are just a few things I've found swimming around in it that I don't think have made it to the blog yet.
NCUA Letter to Credit Unions 11-CU-17. NCUA issued a letter to credit unions to provide information about its new Office of Consumer Protection, which, among other things will be processing consumer complaints. This letter also mentions NCUA's consumer-oriented website www.mycreditunion.gov. When you have a free moment, go take a look at this website. It's always good to know what information your regulator is communicating to consumers.
Reg D reserves annual adjustments. The Fed has announced its annual adjustment for reserve calculations and deposit reporting for Regulation D.
FinCEN Speech. If your interested in BSA matters, you may want to read the speech James Freis, Director of FinCEN, gave at the Nebraska Bankers Association Summit on Regulatory Issues last week. There's nothing earth shattering, but it talks about the usefulness of the reports financial institutions provide and of information sharing.
Fair Lending Webinar. The Federal Reserve's Consumer Compliance Outlook is hosting a webinar on fair lending issues and hot topics. The webinar is tomorrow, 2 p.m. Eastern time. Follow this link for more information and to register.