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March 22, 2012


Deb Hofmann

Where do we order the revised NCUA Equal Housing Lending poster?


Hi Deb:

From what we’ve been told, the signs can be ordered from NCUA’s regional offices. But FYI, we’ve heard from several credit unions that when they’ve called NCUA, they are being told that the signs won’t be available for a month or more.

We’ve also been told by some credit unions that they are calling NCUA’s Consumer Protection number directly, 703-518-1150. From there, they are being transferred to the Publication Office, which is where they are placing their orders.

Ruth Freeman

Can a state-chartered credit union in California use either the NCUA version or the HUD version of the Equal Housing Lender poster?

Steve Van Beek


As a state-charter, you’d need to follow HUD’s requirement in 24 CFR 110.25.

There is a section (b) to 24 CFR 110.25 that includes this information that would allow you to use NCUA’s poster – but it would need a waiver from HUD:

“(b) The Assistant Secretary for Equal Opportunity may grant a waiver permitting the substitution of a poster prescribed by a Federal financial regulatory agency for the fair housing poster described in paragraph (a) of this section. While such waiver remains in effect, compliance with the posting requirements of such regulatory agency shall be deemed compliance with the posting requirements of this part. Such waiver shall not affect the applicability of all other provisions of this part.”

I’m not aware of a waiver from HUD that would apply but you could reach out to NCUA or HUD and ask if there is a waiver in place.

Using HUD's poster makes sense as complaints for a state-chartered credit union that are made to NCUA would be referred to HUD and/or your state regulator.

Andrew Grove

Bankers Group Purchasing - 781-891-0303 has the Equal Housing Poster (NCUA)Form 380 available right now. They also have the new Charm booklets (Form 176) and FRB Heloc brochure (Form 343) in stock.

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