Written by Steve Van Beek
Yesterday, NCUA announced an extended delay (via Twitter) for both the CUSO and Loan Participation proposed rule. Remember, we revisited both of these proposals recently on the blog:
This extended delay (and, hopefully, complete rescission) of these proposals follows NAFCU's advice in our comment letters to NCUA (CUSO Comment Letter and Loan Participation Comment Letter).
NCUA Regulatory Review. NAFCU is still looking for comments for our Comment Letter to NCUA on their annual regulatory review of 1/3 of their regulations. NAFCU's Regulatory Alert (12-EA-12) has additional details. Feel free to send along any and all suggestions for changes to NCUA's regulations to reduce the regulatory burden on credit unions. Comments are due to NAFCU by July 6th and to NCUA directly by August 3rd.
Q&A with NAFCU's Compliance Team. The July/August issue of NAFCU's The Federal Credit Union magazine has a lengthy Q&A with JiJi, Bernadette, Mike, Shari and myself. If you always wanted to put a face to the folks writing the blog posts or helping with compliance questions - here is your chance! Enjoy!
Have a great weekend everyone!