Written by Steve Van Beek
We'll try to keep it short and sweet for Friday.
NCUA Board Meeting. NCUA held a busy Board Meeting yesterday. A good resource for an overview of NCUA's actions is their Board Action Bulletin. The NAFCU Today also has additional details: Small CU; Payday Alternative Loans and Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) and rural district definition.
Boardmember Hyland. After the Board Meeting, Boardmember Hyland announced it would be her last as a NCUA Boardmember. She will officially leave the NCUA Board on October 5th. Hyland's official term ended in August 2011 but she remained on the Board to ensure NCUA had a three-person Board to lead the agency. More in the NAFCU Today.
Director Cordray. Yesterday, Director Cordray testified before the House Financial Services Committee. This is after testifying before the Senate Banking Committee last week.
Additionally, the CFPB announced the first meeting of their Consumer Advisory Board: September 27th in St. Louis. Attendance is open to the public but RSVPs are required.
NAFCU Member Video. Back in July we blogged on our NAFCU Member Video Contest. Check out the winning video here. After a long week, it is a real good laugh. Well done Baylands FCU!!