Written by Steve Van Beek
Below is a short article from NAFCU's January 2013 BSA Blast:
New Resource Tool Launched: FBI Nationwide Wanted Bank Robbers Website
According to the last full year of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) bank crime statistics, bank robbers last year walked away from federally insured banks, credit unions, savings and loan associations and armored trucks with more than $38 million in cash. To help with unsolved cases, the FBI launched a new Wanted Bank Robbers website in December. The first national system of its kind, the site spotlights a gallery of unknown suspects and includes a map function that plots robbery locations. Users can search the site by name, location or other factors. Searches result in a “Wanted by the FBI” poster with more images, a suspect’s full description and a brief narrative of the crime.
Jason DiJoseph, who runs the FBI’s bank robbery program at its headquarters, says the website “is an operational tool that will help law enforcement identify and prosecute bank robbers more quickly with the public’s help.” Users of the site can filter searches of serial and non-serial bank robbers. Bank crime statistics bear out the bureau’s emphasis on violent cases. Demand notes are robbers’ most frequently used tools (2,958 times in 2011), followed by firearms (1,242 times) and the mere threat of weapons (2,331 times) or explosive devices (154 times). Even in cases where weapons were not used, the FBI says the risk of violence increases each time a serial robber strikes.
The new website will include the most pressing bank robbery cases from the FBI’s 56 field offices. New features and more suspects will be added in the coming weeks and months, thus creating a fuller picture of the nation’s most-wanted bank robbers.
- Shari R. Pogach Regulatory Paralegal
BSA Blast. The full issue of NAFCU's January 2013 BSA Blast is now available for NAFCU members. This issue includes:
- Examples of Banks Receiving Large Fines for Noncompliance with BSA/OFAC (HSBC Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, and First Bank of Delaware);
- A Detailed Review of FinCEN's Roundtables on their Customer Due Diligence ANPR; and
- The FBI's Bank Robbery Website (full article above)
Additionally, the BSA Blast includes a calendar of recent BSA news and BSA-related Questions & Answers. Take a look today!
Note: If your credit union is a NAFCU-member and you'd like to receive an email update when the BSA Blast is available each quarter, just send us an email.
Best of BSA Blast Staff Quizzes. Each BSA Blast includes a 10 question staff quiz attached. Over the years, we've had 20 staff quizzes with 200 questions. We've reviewed the past questions and answers and have been putting together a "Best of BSA Blast Staff Quizzes" series. The first edition is now available to NAFCU members - it is attached to the January 2013 BSA Blast and also available directly here (NAFCU log-in required). Each "Best of" staff quiz includes 25 questions along with a detailed answer key.
Programming Note: NAFCU's offices will be closing early today and will also be closed on Monday in observation of Inauguration Day and the Federal holiday. We'll be back blogging on Tuesday. Have a great weekend!