Written by Steve Van Beek
We often get questions about the status of certain rulemakings. For example:
- Has NCUA finalized their Emergency Liquidity proposal?
- Has the CFPB finalized (for the third time) the Remittance Transfer proposal?
- What about NCUA's CUSO proposal?
You get the picture. To help with this, we created a Pending Regulations Chart which can be found at the end of our Compliance Calendar. You do not need to be a NAFCU member to view the Compliance Calendar; however, some of the linked resources are for members-only.
Federal Register. There is also a great way to track the rulemakings in the Federal Register automatically. You can subscribe to the topic "credit unions" to be sure you are emailed whenever a credit union-related rulemaking is published in the Federal Register. This is especially important as - we are all aware - rulemakings impacting credit unions do not come from just NCUA. Of course, this isn't a perfect science as some rules might not be coded with the "credit union" topic. But, I've found it works pretty well.
To subscribe, start out be going to the "credit union" topic page. Click the "Subscribe" button on the right-hand side.
From here, you'll get a pop-up box that you can enter your e-mail address (or subscribe via RSS feed).
You can choose to receive all "credit union" topics or only those labeled as "significant actions." For me, I'm not one to trust the self-labeling of "significant" by the regulators - so I subscribe to the broader group.
Have a great week!